Best Practices
Useful tips and recommendations helping to build and publish high quality Web Components.
Best practices to build Web Components
An overview of the key things that you should take into account when you start building a new web component.
Custom Element Best Practices
A checklist that breaks down all the things we think it takes to be a well behaved custom element.
Developing Components: Publishing
A set of recommendations to ensure the code you publish to npm is as easy for your users to consume as possible.
Guidelines for creating web platform compatible components
A set of common guidelines to make sure your custom web components fit in well with the rest of the platform.
How to Publish Web Components to npm
A checklist that attempts to maximize compatibility, standards compliance, flexibility, and usefulness.
Ten Principles for Great General Purpose Web Components
A set of principles for creating general-purpose web components that can be adopted in a wide range of sites.
The Gold Standard Checklist for Web Components
A checklist for web components that aspire to be as flexible, reliable, and useful as the standard HTML elements.
Web Component Best Practices
Web Components are not a panacea. They require an entirely new discipline and frame of thinking.