Form Participation
Limitations and browser APIs related to using Custom Elements and Shadow DOM in forms.

Building Forms with Custom Elements
Custom elements can be efficient and powerful, but when it comes to building forms they need help.
Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals
A guide on how to create a custom form control with constraint validation.

Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and Implicit Form Submission
Limitation related to forms when placing a submit button in Shadow DOM.

ElementInternals and Form-Associated Custom Elements
ElementInternals is a new addition to custom elements API introduced in Safari 16.4 beta release.

Form Participation
Libraries for web components authors to enable creating custom element inputs using a standardized approach.

Form-Associated Custom Elements
New API to make custom elements directly compatible with native <form>.

Form-Associated Custom Elements
New web standard for building custom interactive form controls.

Form-Associated Custom Elements FTW!
Building custom form controls that report value and validity.

More Capable Form Controls
With new custom elements APIs, participating in forms got a lot easier.

Native Form Validation Of Web Components
How to validate custom form controls using nothing but the native platform.

Web Components Can Now Be Native Form Elements
One area in which developers have always wanted to customize HTML elements is forms.