HTML Templates
Template element provides a performant way to create DOM when building web components.
<template>: The Content Template element
Think of a template as a content fragment that is being stored for subsequent use in the document.
Crafting Reusable HTML Templates
One of the least recognized, but most powerful parts of Web Components is the <template> element.
HTML templates with vanilla JavaScript
The purpose of <template> is to hold HTML that shouldn’t be rendered as-is.
Template element
A built-in <template> element serves as a storage for HTML markup templates.
Templating in HTML
A quick look at the <template> element and how it can come in handy.
The HTML5 template element
The <template> provides an easy way to define a reusable fragment of HTML.
Understanding The Template Element In HTML
Template tags in HTML, the benefits and downside of using them.
Using templates and slots
HTML templates are useful on their own, but they work even better when used with web components.